Sunday, July 5, 2009

Swim Lessons 2009

Navey's swimlessons were a big success this year. She is getting much better at following directions and not becoming so free spirited when she enters the water. She is in level 3 and I believe she was the youngest. Most the kids were at least 6 or 7. Connie(her teacher) had them swimming the long length of the pool doing the front crawl, the frog(breast stroke), the chicken airplane zoom,(breast stroke on their backs),back crawl, floating on their backs, rescue jump off the diving board, diving off the diving board, and diving for rings on the bottom of the shallow end. As you can see Navey didn't quite get the diving part All the time, their were many belly-flops. My absolute favorite is when she would recite OUTLOUD "chicken, airplane, zoom" to help her remember how to swim that stroke. What a goof!

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